Benefits of Ekadashi Vrat
There is no other virtue like the virtue of Ekadashi Vrat.
The virtue gained by donating during solar eclipse is many times more than that gained by fasting on Ekadashi.
The virtue gained by donating cow, gold, Ashwamedha Yagya is more than that gained by fasting on Ekadashi.
The ancestors of those who observe Ekadashi are freed from low births and shower happiness on their family members. Therefore, happiness and peace prevails in the house of those who observe this fast.
Wealth, grains, sons etc. increase.
Fame increases, faith and devotion increase, which makes life full of joy.
God’s pleasure is attained. In the past, King Nahush, Ambarisha, King Gadhi etc. who also observed Ekadashi fast, received all the wealth of this earth. Lord Shivji told Narada: There is no doubt that by observing Ekadashi fast, the sins of a man’s seven births are destroyed. Fasting, cow donation etc. on Ekadashi day are infinitely meritorious.

What to do and what not to do on Ekadashi?
1. Do not use wooden tooth brush and paste on Ekadashi. Chew lemon, jamun or mango leaves and clean your throat with your fingers. Plucking leaves from the tree is also prohibited, hence consume only those leaves which have fallen on their own.
2. After taking bath, recite Geeta and Shri Vishnu Sahasranama.
By reciting Sri Vishnusahasranaam on every Ekadashi, there is happiness and peace in the home.
raam raameti raameti rame raame manorame .
sahasranaam tattulyan raamanaam varaanane ..
On Ekadashi day, reciting this mantra gives the same merit (punya) as chanting Shri Vishnu Sahasranama.
3. One should chant the twelve letter mantra or Guru Mantra `Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay’.
4. One should not talk to thieves, hypocrites and wicked people, remain silent as much as possible.
5. One should not eat rice on Ekadashi day even by mistake nor should one feed rice to anyone. On this day one should eat fruits or fruit juice extracted at home or It is beneficial to live on milk or water.
6. Fasts (Dashami, Ekadasi and Dwadasi) – During these three days, do not consume brass utensils, meat, onion, garlic, lentils, black gram, gram, kodo (a kind of rice), vegetables, Honey, oil and excessive water consumption – do not consume them.
7. A fruitarian should not consume cabbage, carrot, turnip, spinach, purslane etc. Mango, grapes, banana, almond, pistachio etc. are considered Amrit fruits. should be consumed.
8. One should stay away from gambling, sleep, drinking, backbiting, backbiting, theft, violence, coitus, anger, lying, deceit and other bad deeds.
9. If by mistake one talks to a slanderer, then one should pray to God to remove this fault. One should seek forgiveness after worshipping Lord Hari with the help of Sun and incense sticks.
10. Do not sweep the house on Ekadashi. This can lead to the death of micro-organisms like ants etc.
11. Do not cut hair on this day.
12. On this day, donate food according to your capacity but never accept food offered by anyone.
13. On the night of Ekadashi, one should keep a vigil in front of Lord Vishnu (vigil should be kept till 1 am).
14. One who lights a lamp at night while keeping a vigil in front of Shri Hari His virtues are not destroyed even in a hundred kalpas.
Can we take hair cut on ekadashi?
NO. Do not cut hair on this day.
What is the Guru Mantra of Ekadashi?
Guru Mantra to chant on ekadashi is `Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay’.
What happens to those who fasts on ekadashi?
The ancestors of those who observe Ekadashi are freed from low births and shower happiness on their family members. Therefore, happiness and peace prevails in the house of those who observe this fast.
Why not to sweep on ekadashi?
Do not sweep the house on Ekadashi. This can lead to the death of micro-organisms like ants etc.
Why we should not eat rice on ekadashi?
One should not eat rice on Ekadashi day even by mistake nor should one feed rice to anyone. On this day one should eat fruits or fruit juice extracted at home or It is beneficial to live on milk or water.
Source – Sant Shri Ashram Bapu Ashram