Desi Cow Milk Benefits in Hindi | देसी गाय के दूध के फायदे

Read about Desi Cow Milk Benefits in Hindi and English| देसी गाय के दूध के फायदे

Desi Cow Milk
1] It is easily digestible.
2] It contains gold-alkali.
3] It makes the intellect sharp.
4] It increases memory power and provides energy.
5] It increases Sattva Guna.
6] The cow gives milk with love and affection on seeing its calf.

देशी गाय का दूध
१] सुपाच्य होता है ।
२] इसमें स्वर्ण-क्षार होते हैं ।
३] बुद्धि को कुशाग्र बनाता है ।
४] स्मरणशक्ति बढाता है एवं स्फूर्ति प्रदान करता है ।
५] यह सत्त्वगुण बढ़ाता है ।
६] गाय अपना बछड़ा देखकर स्नेह व वात्सल्य से भर के दूध देती है ।

Desi Cow Milk Benefits in Hindi | देसी गाय के दूध के फायदे
Photo by Vinicius Pontes on
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Buffalo Milk
1] It is heavy to digest.
2] It does not contain gold-alkali.
3] It dulls the intellect.
4] It causes laziness and excessive sleep.
5] It increases Tamoguna.
6] Buffalo gives milk according to the taste and diet. Brothers who grow up drinking buffalo milk fight for property.

भैंस का दूध

१] पचने में भारी होता है ।
२] इसमें स्वर्ण-क्षार नहीं होते हैं ।
३] बुद्धि को मंद करता है ।
४] यह आलस्य व अत्यधिक नींद लाता है ।
५] यह तमोगुण बढ़ाता है ।
६] भैंस स्वाद व खुराक देखकर दूध देती है । भैंस का दूध पीके बड़े होनेवाले भाई सम्पदा के लिए लड़ते-मरते हैं ।

Desi cow milk is essential for humans because it contains complete proteins. The proteins present in cow milk are easily digested as compared to buffalo milk. Cow milk is rich in oxidase and reductase enzymes, which besides aiding in digestion, also remove toxins present in the body of those who drink milk.

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देशी गाय के दूध में सम्पूर्ण प्रोटीन्स रहने के कारण यह मनुष्यों के लिए अनिवार्य है । भैंस के दूध की अपेक्षा गाय के दूध में रहनेवाले प्रोटीन्स सुगमता से पचते हैं । गाय के दूध में ऑक्सिडेज तथा रिडक्टेज एंजाइम की प्रचुरता रहती है, जो पाचन में सहायता देने के अतिरिक्त दूध पीनेवालों के शरीर में पाये जानेवाले टोक्सिंस (विषैले पदार्थ) को दूर करते हैं ।

Desi cow milk has many other characteristics. The superiority of desi cow milk becomes clear from the points given above. Whether we increase age, intelligence, sattvikta, health etc. by drinking desi cow milk or decrease them by drinking buffalo milk – it is in our hands.

देशी गाय के दूध की और भी अनेक विशेषताएँ हैं । ऊपर दिये गये बिन्दुओं से देशी गाय के दूध की श्रेष्ठता स्पष्ट हो जाती है । देशी गाय का दूध पीकर हम बुद्धिमत्ता, सात्त्विकता, निरोगता आदि बढायें या भैंस का दूध पी के इन्हें घटायें – यह हमारे हाथ की बात है ।

The milk of foreign hybrid cows like Jersey etc. is more harmful than buffalo milk.

भैंस के दूध से भी अधिक हानिकारक है जर्सी आदि विदेशी संकरित गायों का दूध ।

Difference between Desi Cow milk and Buffalo milk

1] It is easily digestible.1] It is heavy to digest.
2] It contains gold-alkali.2] It does not contain gold-alkali.
3] It makes the intellect sharp.3] It dulls the intellect.
4] It increases memory power and provides energy.4] It causes laziness and excessive sleep.
5] It increases Sattva Guna (positive energy).5] It increases Tamoguna (negative energy).
6] The cow gives milk with love and affection on seeing its calf.6] Buffalo gives milk according to the taste and diet. Brothers who grow up drinking buffalo milk fight for property.
Benefits of desi cow milk

What are Cow Milk Benefits in Hindi?

Benefits of cow milk are:
/ देसी गाय के दूध के फायदे :
१] सुपाच्य होता है ।
२] इसमें स्वर्ण-क्षार होते हैं ।
३] बुद्धि को कुशाग्र बनाता है ।
४] स्मरणशक्ति बढाता है एवं स्फूर्ति प्रदान करता है ।
५] यह सत्त्वगुण बढ़ाता है ।
६] गाय अपना बछड़ा देखकर स्नेह व वात्सल्य से भर के दूध देती है ।

Why desi milk is essential?

Desi cow milk is essential for humans because it contains complete proteins.

What are Desi Cow Milk Benefits?

Benefits of Desi Cow Milk are:
1] It is easily digestible.
2] It contains gold-alkali.
3] It makes the intellect sharp.
4] It increases memory power and provides energy.
5] It increases Sattva Guna.
6] The cow gives milk with love and affection on seeing its calf.

How cow milk helps in digestion?

The proteins present in cow milk are easily digested as compared to buffalo milk. Cow milk is rich in oxidase and reductase enzymes, which besides aiding in digestion, also remove toxins present in the body of those who drink milk.

How cow milk is better than buffalo milk?

we increase age, intelligence, sattvikta, health etc. by drinking desi cow milk or decrease them by drinking buffalo milk – it is in our hands.

source – Rishi Prasad

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