How to avoid Heat Stroke |Health Measures

According to Rishi Prasad, a monthly magazine on Health measures to avoid heat stroke in summer.

Take health measures to avoid heat stroke, like drinking water, covering the head, and wearing shoes before going out in the summer.
Keep one onion with you because it has a cooling effect and keeps our bodies cool. In cases of heat stroke, sweet lime juice is beneficial for health.
(Rishi Prasad, May 2020)

Cap: The Protection Shield for the Head

Protecting your head from the sun is very important for your health. Walking bareheaded in the sun causes many diseases of the head, eyes, nose, and ears. Many diseases are also caused by hot air and rainwater falling on the head. The ill effects of sunlight damage the nerves, which reduces memory.

In the past, our grandfathers used to wear caps or turbans regularly, and women always kept their heads covered. Due to this, they did not have to face premature graying of the hair, excessive hair fall (baldness), colds, headaches, and many diseases of the eyes, ears, and nose.

how to avoid heat stroke
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If you want to maintain the functionality of the vital organs of your body for a long time, then protect your head from the sun. For this, a cap is very convenient and useful.

Ayurveda says:-

Ushnisham Kantikrtkeshyam Rajovatakafapaham।।
Laghu Yachchasyate Tasmaat Gurum Pittakshiroga Krit।।

उष्णीषं कान्तिकृत्केश्यं रजोवातकफापहम् ।।
लघु यच्छस्यते तस्मात् गुरुं पित्ताक्षिरोग कृत् ।।

‘Wearing a cotton cloth (turban, safa, cap, etc.) on the head increases the luster, is beneficial for the hair, removes dust i.e., protects the hair from dust and destroys Vata and Kapha (ayurvedic health related terms). But all these great benefits are available only when it is light. If the cloth is very heavy, then it increases bile and causes eye-related diseases.

(Bhavaprakasha Pu.Lam., Dinacharya Di Prakaran 5.237)

The ultraviolet rays coming from the sun are considered to be cause of skin and lip cancer. These rays also give rise to eye deformities like glaucoma.

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According to scientists, caps which have a minimum 3 inch strip on all sides of the edges, protect the head, face, ears and neck from the ultraviolet rays of the sun, thereby preventing skin cancer. Curved caps are more suitable.

Synthetic caps distributed during election campaigns are not beneficial. Caps should be made of thick cloth.

How to avoid Heat Stroke when working outside?

To avoid heat stroke, like drinking water, covering the head, and wearing shoes before going out in the summer.

How to avoid Heat Stroke?

Here are some steps that can help you to avoid heat stroke, like drinking water, covering the head, and wearing shoes before going out in the summer.

How to avoid Heat Stroke in summer?

Take necessary health measures like drinking water, covering the head, and wearing shoes before going out in the summer.

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