Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health
Sunrays have wonderful anti-disease power. No doctor or any human remedy in the world can give such divine health and firmness of mind as the radiance hidden in the soft morning sun-rays.
Health benefits of lemon juice in Hindi | नींबू रस से स्वास्थ्य लाभ
Health benefits of lemon juice in hindi, it has many health benefits ie. described in our hindu sastra. Lemon juice is beneficial in heart health, it has vitamin c which helps body in WBCs.
9 Benefits of Practicing Surya Namaskar Daily
surya namaskar is a 12 steps exercise in hindu dharma yoga. it has mind and body control benefits. Practising it has a positive aura around you, It quickly recharge your body and mind.
Mango Seed Health Benefits | आम के बीज के स्वास्थ्य लाभ
In Hinduism, Mango Tree is mentioned in many sacred scriptures, all the way back to the Vedas, which refer to mangoes as a food of the Gods. The scriptures say that mango trees were a gift.
Free Your Mind from Negative Thoughts
Free Your Mind from Negative Thoughts: Step 1 :
– Write down all your negative thoughts.
Step 2 :
– Ask yourself the reason behind them and challenge those thoughts.
Step 3 :
– Focus on the present..
Best Pranayama for Heart Health | Breathing Exercises
Best Pranayama for Heart Health
the pranayama is a breathing technique that regulates and control the air, inhaling and exhaling. practicing it on regularly has many health benefits.
Health Benefits of Hanuman Dand
hanuman dand is traditional hindu exercise done by our ancestors. It is beneficial in shaping our body and keep us fit. it is a core exercise that balance body and improves flexibility.
शास्त्रों में वर्णित तुलसी महिमा | Tulsi Mala Glory in Hindu Shastra
शास्त्रों में वर्णित तुलसी महिमा
अनेक व्रतकथाओं, धर्मकथाओं, पुराणों में तुलसी महिमा के अनेक आख्यान हैं । भगवान विष्णु या श्रीकृष्ण की कोई भी पूजा विधि तुलसी दल के बिना परिपूर्ण नहीं मानी जाती ।