Why Havan and Yagya Important in Hindu Dharma

Why Havan-Yagya important

Tips to get the benefit of Yagya every day

🔸Even today you can find cow dung cakes and coal. Sometimes burn them and burn incense (dhup) prepared by mixing barley, sesame, ghee, coconut pieces and Guggulu, then many harmful bacteria will be destroyed.

🔸When you have to meditate, chant etc., burn this incense (dhup) a little while before and then sit down to do Pranayam, meditation, chanting in the atmosphere purified by that incense, it will be very beneficial. But do not overdo the incense, otherwise there can be some problem in the throat, so do it in a measured manner.

Why Havan-Yagya Important in Hindu Dharma | Kattar Hindu
Photo by Mir Rajjak on Pexels.com
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🔸Harmful bacteria are destroyed by the smoke of cow dung cakes. This is the reason why when someone dies, during the cremation-journey a person walks with the smoke of cow dung cakes in a pot so that the bacteria of the deceased do not spread in the society, in the environment.

🔸Nowadays incense sticks (dhup) are made from perfume etc. They do give fragrance but the chemicals used in them have an adverse effect on our health.

🔸First of all, the smoke of motor vehicles has an adverse effect and secondly, the chemicals in the incense sticks also have an adverse effect on the body. Instead of such incense sticks, if you get sattvik incense sticks or dhoopbattis, then it is fine, otherwise at least burn a little incense with ghee.

Which is the best yajna?

🔸Killing germs and keeping the germs in the body healthy is the reason for the scientists’ entire effort and their science.

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🔸Our sages have not invented yajna to kill germs but have made yajna a means to attain God by rectifying the environment, feelings and the dirty conscience that keeps us in the cycle of birth and death.

🔸Even among those yajnas, Lord Krishna says that Japa Yajna is the best. It is good to offer barley and sesame seeds in the fire but it is even better to chant with the Guru Mantra on the rosary. Lord Krishna has called it ‘Japayagya’.

Why Havan-Yagya?

🔹If we look beyond the boundaries of caste, religion, creed, country in global problems, then one of the biggest problems is the problem of environment and ideological pollution. Various countries are spending millions and billions of dollars to find solutions but this problem remains the same.

To solve this, the world is now looking with hope towards India’s ancient heritage of Yagya-Havan. This is a tradition started by our sages and saints and from time to time it has been well developed and made accessible to the people by great men.

🔹The environment gets polluted due to the smoke of factories and vehicles, which causes various diseases of lungs and breathing. Yagya-Havan not only purifies the polluted atmosphere, but it can also control mental bad thoughts.

Burnt sugar has great power to purify the air. The atmosphere is purified and germs of various diseases are destroyed by the offering of ghee. Therefore, the crops are good in the places where havan is performed.

🔹Shrotriya Brahmanishtha Pujya Bapuji explains the usefulness of yagna and says: “There should be a place for yagna in your life. Shri Krishna says: Yagnaanam japa yagyosmi… ‘I am the japa yagna in all types of yagnas.’ (Gita: 10.25)

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But the yagnas performed by offering havan are also good, they also have their own importance.

Science accepted the glory of Yagya

Foreign scientists also did some research on the Indian Yagya method.

👉 According to Professor Trillvert of France, ‘The smoke emitted from the sweet substance (sugar etc.) put in the Yagya destroys the germs of smallpox, cholera, TB etc.’

👉 Dr. Hafkin proved through his experiments that ‘the smoke emitted from putting ghee destroys the germs of smallpox and plague.’

👉 According to Russian scientist Shirovich, ‘By pouring a few drops of one spoon (10 grams) of cow ghee on embers or cow dung, one ton of pure and energetic oxygen is produced, which is not possible by any other means.’

👉 But our sages did not only think that the germs of smallpox, TB etc. should be destroyed, but also prescribed to keep the upper part of the body open during the yajna so that the pores remain open during the yajna and the smoke of the yajna enters the body through breathing and pores, which provides many other benefits. Yajna does not only benefit the body, but while performing the yajna, while reciting the mantra, it is said:

Om Varunaya Swaha, Idam Varunaya Idam Na Mam” This is Indra’s, this is Varun’s, it is not mine.’ In this way, the provision of making one fearless by getting rid of attachment is also there in our yajna-vidhi.

source – Rishi Prasad

What is the havan and yagya mantra?

Om Varunaya Swaha, Idam Varunaya Idam Na Mam. ‘This is Indra’s, this is Varun’s, it is not mine.’ In this way, the provision of making one fearless by getting rid of attachment is also there in our yajna-vidhi.

What lord krishna says about Yajna?

Even among those yajnas, Lord Krishna says that Japa Yajna is the best. It is good to offer barley and sesame seeds in the fire but it is even better to chant with the Guru Mantra on the rosary. Lord Krishna has called it ‘Japayagya’.

What today’s scientist says about havan and yagya?

According to Professor Trillvert of France, ‘The smoke emitted from the sweet substance (sugar etc.) put in the Yagya destroys the germs of smallpox, cholera, TB etc.’
Dr. Hafkin proved through his experiments that ‘the smoke emitted from putting ghee destroys the germs of smallpox and plague.’
According to Russian scientist Shirovich, ‘By pouring a few drops of one spoon (10 grams) of cow ghee on embers or cow dung, one ton of pure and energetic oxygen is produced, which is not possible by any other means.’

How cow dung helps to keep enviroment clean?

Harmful bacteria are destroyed by the smoke of cow dung cakes. This is the reason why when someone dies, during the cremation-journey a person walks with the smoke of cow dung cakes in a pot so that the bacteria of the deceased do not spread in the society, in the environment.

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