Gita has the power
The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate nectar that emanates from the mouth of Lord Krishna, which even the deities yearn for. The Gita has the power to awaken man to his divine nature.

Gita has the ability to give the experience of liberation while alive. Where elephants are shouting, horses are neighing, battle bells are ringing, many warriors are burning in the fire of vengeance against the other side – at such a place Lord Krishna has shed the cool stream of Gita. Shri Krishna brought the knowledge of Aranya to the battlefield through Gita. Even in the tumultuous atmosphere of war, the meditation of the quiet mountain caves was explained. What a pity He has!
Gita has such perfect and all-pervading knowledge that it has been thousands of years since its creator, but after that not even a single such book has been written till date.
Gita is not only a book related to any one religion, caste or sect, but it is a book full of supernatural content for the welfare of all human beings in the world. Composed in 18 chapters and 700 verses, this small book is full of ‘Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga‘.
And it is not that only Arjuna needed the Gita. We all are also in the battlefield. Arjun fought for a few days, but the whole life of today’s human being is in the midst of war in the form of lust, anger, greed, attachment, fear, grief, ‘mine-yours’.
Therefore, as much as Arjuna needed Gita, perhaps even more than that, present-day human beings need it.
How is ‘Gita Jayanti’ celebrated?
Worship Shrimad Bhagwad Gita with flowers, incense, lamp etc. by installing it on a beautiful, high seat.
Recite after reading Gita-Mahatmya.
Make a resolution to read at least one shloka daily and get it done.
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita – Glory
By reciting the verses of the Gita, by remembering and chanting the Lord, and merely by seeing a saint who is rested in the Self, one gets the result of performing crores of pilgrimages.
Gita is a wonderful book for all round development of life. Lord Krishna says: Gita me hridayam partha… Gita is my heart Arjuna.
‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita‘ is the only scripture in the whole world whose birth anniversary is celebrated.
Gita Jayanti is celebrated on the day of ‘Mokshada Ekadashi‘. On this very day, in the field of Kurukshetra, Lord Shri Krishna made Arjuna his instrument and showed the way to attain supreme happiness and supreme peace by imparting ‘Gita-Gyan‘ to human beings.
The knowledge of ‘Gita’ liberates from the cycle of birth and death.
The recitation of each chapter and even just one verse of the Gita has great significance.
The person who has the knowledge of ‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ in his life, lives happily even in the midst of all the obstacles in the world and becomes successful in attaining his divine status.
Divine Qualities
The divine qualities of religion, disinterestedness, courage, equanimity, simplicity, affection, peace etc. easily develop in human life by drinking the nectar of knowledge of Shrimadbhagwadgita. One gets the ability to fight injustice, injustice and exploitation. This Gita book, which provides both enjoyment and salvation, develops the divine qualities like fearlessness etc., is unique in the whole world.
Lok Kalyan Setu – November 2019
Bhagavad Gita Jayanti
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When ‘Gita Jayanti’ celebrated?
Gita Jayanti is celebrated on the day of ‘Mokshada Ekadashi’. On this very day, in the field of Kurukshetra, Lord Shri Krishna made Arjuna his instrument and showed the way to attain supreme happiness and supreme peace by imparting ‘Gita-Gyan’ to human beings.
What are the Divine qualities?
The divine qualities of religion, disinterestedness, courage, equanimity, simplicity, affection, peace etc. easily develop in human life by drinking the nectar of knowledge of Shrimadbhagwadgita. One gets the ability to fight injustice, injustice and exploitation. This Gita book, which provides both enjoyment and salvation, develops the divine qualities like fearlessness etc., is unique in the whole world. Lok Kalyan Setu – November 2019
Bhagavad Gita is a supernatural content.
Gita is not only a book related to any one religion, caste or sect, but it is a book full of supernatural content for the welfare of all human beings in the world. Composed in 18 chapters and 700 verses, this small book is full of ‘Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga’.
A nicely articulated piece 👌
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