25 October 2022 – Important things related to solar eclipse

25 October 2022 - Important things related to solar eclipse
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Eclipse period – October 25 from 04:30 to 06:06
  Sutak period – 25 October from 04:30 am till the eclipse ends

Useful time of plucking Tulsi leaves before Sutak – On Monday, October 24, after sunrise, between 11:45, Tulsi leaves can be plucked, after which breaking Tulsi leaves is prohibited.

If Tulsi leaves are not available then Kush or Til can also be used.

  At the time of solar eclipse, chanting and meditating with restraint gives crores of times.  At that time, the best seeker, after fasting, after touching Brahmi Ghrita (5 to 10 grams {one or two spoons}), after chanting the mantra ‘Eight thousand chants’.  (perception), poetic power and speech accomplishment.

In a solar eclipse, one should not eat four prahar (12 hours) before the eclipse.  Old people, children and patients can eat till one and a half prahar (four and a half hours) before.

  A person who eats food at the time of eclipse stays in hell for as many years as the grains of food he eats.

  Before sutak, put kusha, sesame or basil leaves in water so that it can be used during sutak period.  The water kept during the eclipse should not be used after the eclipse, but those who are not able to do so can use the water kept by putting Kusha etc. as above.

  The substances in which Kush or Tulsi leaves are put before the eclipse, those substances do not get contaminated.  After discarding the cooked food, it should be prepared by adding cow, dog and new food.

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  At the beginning of the eclipse vedh, water mixed with til or Kush should also be used only in urgent circumstances and food or water should not be taken till the end of the eclipse.

  On completion of the eclipse, after bathing, after seeing the pure image of the Sun or the moon, the person who has the eclipse, should be offered food after offering Arghya.

  For the purification of the clothes etc. touched during the eclipse period, it should be washed later and one should also take bath with clothes.  Women can take bath even without washing their heads.

No mantra should be uttered during the eclipse bath.  In the bath of eclipse, water is colder than hot water, even in cold water drawn with one’s own hand than water drawn from another’s hand, filled in the ground than taken out, flowing as compared to filled, (ordinary) flowing  The water of the lake is considered more sacred than the lake, of the river as compared to the lake, of the Ganges as compared to other rivers, and of the ocean as compared to the Ganges.

  Grass to cows, food to birds, clothes to the needy at the time of eclipse gives manifold virtues.

  Leaves, straw, wood and flowers should not be plucked on the day of eclipse.  Hair and clothes should not be squeezed and teeth should not be brushed.

  Opening the lock at the time of eclipse, sleeping, giving up stool and urine, sex and eating – all these activities are prohibited.

ALSO READ  Unlocking the Medicinal Potential of Tulsi

  No auspicious and new work should be started at the time of eclipse.

  Patient from sleeping at the time of eclipse, poor due to short-sightedness, worm due to defecation, boar due to female affair and leprosy by applying rubbish.  Pregnant woman should be very careful during eclipse.

  Lord Ved Vyasji has said the most beneficial words – “The virtuous deeds (jap, meditation, charity etc.) done during a solar eclipse from a normal day are ten million times fruitful in a solar eclipse if Ganga water is nearby.

  At the time of eclipse, one must chant Gurumantra, Ishta-mantra or Lord’s name, failing which the mantra gets tainted.
  The easy, garland, Gomukhi used at the time of eclipse should be washed in the Ganges water after the eclipse is over.

  By eating the food of others on the occasion of eclipse, all the merit accumulated for twelve years is destroyed.  (Skanda Purana)

  The earth should not be dug during the eclipse.  (Goddess Bhagwat)

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