Swami Vivekananda Jayanti – 12 January
And for how long will you remain silent?
When Swami Vivekanand Ji was coming to India from abroad, two Christian missionaries in the vessel deliberately started discussing Hindu religion and Christianity with Swamiji. When both of them started beating in criticism, they started condemning Hindu religion and Hindus in extremely vulgar and vulgar language.
Swamiji kept on patience till he could but in the end he could not stay away. Swamiji suddenly grabbed the collar of the shirt of one of them and said with a firm voice: “If I condemn my religion, I will throw it down from the ship.” He said trembling to the Christian, “Please leave me again, I will never make such a mistake. After that, when I met Swamiji in the ship Vivekanand Ji said to Priyanath Singh:” Well, Singh! What would you do if someone insulted your mother? Priyanath Singh replied: “Sir! Grabbing his neck and giving him the proper punishment. Swamiji said:” It is a good thing. If you had the same devotion towards religion, you could never see a Hindu boy being a Christian, but nowadays, I am a Christian. You are sitting simple. Where did your piety go? Where did the affection for the country go? Every day these clergy people are abusing your religion in front of you, but how many have tried to counteract it? Dharmorakshati Rakshitah. ‘He who protects his religion remains protected. Keep in mind: In the name of tolerance, are we not filling the fault of cowardice and escapism in ourselves? (Lok Kalyan Setu: July 2003)

National Youth Day:
12 January 2023
Tujhse Hai Sara Jag Roshan,
O youth of India! Don’t give up restraint virtue, even if millions of storms come. Great key to becoming successful and great: restraint, young people! The foundation of life is restraint – virtue. If there is no restraint then good students cannot become good citizens. With moderation, concentration etc. develops. Restraint is the ladder to success.
God has to be attained, accomplishment – to gain fame, to do something – it is needed in all. This is the root of all. The great key to becoming great is restraint of mind power and memory. It has amazing potential. With the help of this, you can do all the work of the world successfully.
All the great men who are or have been in this world, their lives have been restrained. Hey young man! May you spread the fragrance of selflessness, happiness, incompatibility. Except for incontinence, shamelessness, obscenity, western blindness, the high human ideals of restraint, virtue and service have their own fragrance of their own culture. All young men and women should be bright, understand the glory of abstinence – celibacy. The store of limitless potential is hidden within you. Just read the lesson of self-compassion with the satsang and satshitya of the enlightened great men, then see how your life shines!
Why Youth Day is celebrated?
Every year Youth Day celebrated on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. He was Spiritual Leader of India.
What is Swami Vivekananda Principles?
All young men and women should be bright, understand the glory of abstinence – celibacy. The store of limitless potential is hidden within you.