Your Willpower Determines your Fate in Life | Can Willpower change Destiny

can willpower change destiny
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What is your dream life?

What kind of destiny do you want to create for yourself?

At one point, we have a clue what it could be. However, it keeps changing with time. We tend to have another dream or goal just because the earlier one seems impossible to achieve. And sometimes think Can willpower change destiny.

Why do we keep changing goals in our Life?

We decide something. We work on it enthusiastically. Then we encounter challenges and our passion starts diminishing. Soon we think we are not capable enough and we quit. We take up another goal and the same follows.

Actually, when we take any decision, we are very sure about its success but nature always has plans to test our determination.

Are you the only one who dreams big?
Do you think that you are one of the few who dream big? No. Most of the world dares to dream to become a millionaire. There are many who want to become famous in the world. Many dreams big dreams in their life. However, most of them fail. Why? Actually, after a little effort, it seems tough or impossible with the time.

Winners are ordinary people with extraordinary determination. We fail because we lack determination. If we check, it is not only that we fail at big things. We fail daily at small things for the same reason: determination.

Here are some of the common statements of our daily life:

I will wake up early from tomorrow onwards.
I will start morning walks or meditation next week.
I will start studying for my exam or prepare for a better job tomorrow.
I will quit smoking from today.
You must have made similar kinds of promises with yourselves. What happens with them often? I know we start (sometimes). However, it lasts only for a few days and you came to know that it is not your cup of tea. These little things can tell how determined you are.

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Do you expect a straight journey to your dreams?
You want to pursue your own business or if you want to enter into a company, you dreamed of. You want to change your profession. You want to become an artist. These goals lead you to the destiny you dreamed for yourself.

How can you go without struggle?

If it could be simple to achieve those dreams, many would have been successful in this world. However, you know that the proportion of successful persons is not that high.

“Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle, and a victory.” ~ Gandhi

I have seen many times that people go with the flow. We keep going until everything is good. Whenever we found some resistance, our approach/ enthusiasm started dying. Therefore, most of our dreams do not have life. Do not let that happen to you.

Before you start anything, realize what challenges you may get. If you are well prepared with the rules of the game, your chances to win will increase. We cannot determine all the challenges that we may get. However, we may predict many of them and prepare for them in advance so that they do not come surprisingly to destroy your plans.

Examples to test your Determination:Willpower
Let us see how nature will test how determined you are with simple examples from daily life:

Do you remember, when you decided to study and prepare for your exam or your next job tomorrow? Eventually, you will find yourself busy tomorrow more than any other day. It may be that few guests came to your home and your planning is disturbed. Were you able to continue with what you decided?

You decided to take a walk or start the exercise. After doing that couple of days, you stuck with some work in office. You came late at home and your body demands more rest next day. Therefore, you cannot wake up early in the morning and decided to skip it for a day. Did you give that kind of excuse to skip what you have started?

You decided to quit your anger/smoking and want to become a better person. Suddenly, you will face situations more complicated than you normally have to accomplish. Will you complain that the world does not want you to become better?

Why did this happen? Why do situations seem more difficult when we start something? Actually, that is the time when nature checks whether your decision is temporary or permanent. What to do next?

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Be determined with your decisions:

Determination is about the strength of your mind to get going even when a situation does not favor you. The bigger your dream or goals is, the more you get into trouble. Every problem is a form of challenge and opportunity to grow.

Whenever you feel like falling or when things are not happening as expected, say to yourself, “This may take a little longer, but it will happen.”

“Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.” ~ Denis Waitley

Remember that the more you can deal with these troubles, the bigger will be the rewards that life gives you.

Never let your mood destroy your plans:
Often we become a slave to our moods. Even if you have some time, you make the excuse that I do not have the mood to study. Even if your alarms tell you that it is the time to wake up as you decided yesterday. You say, “I am not in the mood today. Maybe I have a better mood tomorrow” and you switch off the alarm.

Do not depend on your moods. If you decided, get up and just do it. A decision is like your promise to yourself. Keep the value of your words. If you do not, you are cheating with yourselves and your dreams.

“I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.” ~ Pearl S. Buck

If you make excuse once, nature will give you two more reasons to procrastinate. If you take a step, nature will come up with two steps to help you.

Keep Going:
Think twice before pursuing any goal. However, once you decide, give it an action. Do not stop thereafter. Small action is enough to keep you on track and motivate you to proceed.

Challenges will come to make you stronger. Keep learning and keep going and you will get it one day.

As Michael Jordon said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

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Also Read: When we have dreams, we have a passion. When we have a passion, we want to do it with perfection.


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